Adventure Camp 

 Age group 7-15 year olds

Camp Alpha runs from 9am – 1pm, Monday – Friday

Camp Bravo runs from 930am – 130pm, Monday – Friday

Camp Charlie runs from 10am - 2pm. Monay - Friday



Our camps are the stuff of dreams. 4 hours of intensive activity all day every day is indeed the stuff of dreams.

Your kids will have the time of their lives. You will have that time to relax. Better still, they arrive back to you exhausted. It’s a win win situation, although you will have to listen to the stories and the goings on with “Terry” until they fall asleep on the drive home.

Each camp has their own storage area and toilet. They also make their own base camp for the week. They need a pack lunch every day and a refillable water bottle to keep themselves hydrated. 

Only here for a day, or not sure your child is ready for a week long camp? Select the Day Camp option.

Fota Island Adventure - Fota Island Resort Tullagreen Cork T45HX62

Please wear old clothes and bring a change of clothes in case you have incidental contact with mud and the great outdoors in general.

Wednesday is normally survival day, so you will need to bring frankfurters and brioche rolls

Thursday is normally water day, so you will need to bring a towel and a change of clothes

A packed lunch and bottle of water.

Footwear (runners you don’t mind getting wet)

Cool or rainy: Light fleece, thermal top, woolly hat

Warm: Sun hat, sun glasses (string attached), sun screen

Please note booking closes 24 hours in advance



The cornerstone of the adventure campus is the custom built obstacle course. This sounds like a half kilometer of hell but don’t be afraid, it’s also the most fun on the island. You can run through it in time trails or you can work as team taking the “dead bob” through it. Whatever your choice it is an absolute must as part of your visit.


We have a purpose made archery section in the adventure campus, where your instructors will fully equip and demonstrate how to use your bow and arrows. The environment is totally different from the norm, the woodlands are your playground and your targets are among the trees. Test your skills and become an excellent marksman or “toxophilite” if you please.


Experience the hunger games in real life, but without real arrows tips. Instead we have foam tipped heads. We operate under licence from Battlezone Archery, so our combat zone is one of the safest in Europe. We set up the combat zone to cater for the numbers booked in, up to a maximum of twenty people at any one time, so let the games begin…


The first half of the adventure pits two teams against each other. The mission objective is to build your shelter, locate your weapons and then locate your enemy before they find you. The second half of the adventure is a bit more selfish, locate your weapon and be the last person standing as the island shrinks around you. All weapons are Mega Nerf series cannons, blasters and guns. Goggles are compulsory and each event is monitored by our instructors.


We have purpose made pod areas for bushcraft and survival skills, where you retire over to the knoll and begin your return to the wild. You’ll learn a variety of new skills, including shelter building, fire starting and bush cooking. You may even pick up a bit of whittling, trapping and tool making to prepare for “outback way of life”


If Fota Island Resort is your own private island, then “Find the Sniper” is the fort you build out of couch cushions in your front room. We have purpose made Ghilley suits that match our surroundings, so this is the ultimate hide and seek, military style. This is a game truly adored by all and provides memories for a lifetime, provided we find everybody at the end of the day…


Adventure can be quite tiring, so not everything has to be high octane, all of the time. This is where the field games come in. Our instructors have a vast array of purpose made games, some of them require team work, some require problem solving and some just involve basic participation (so let the others do the work). The key aspect of the field games is the social interaction with each other.


We have a variety of different orienteering trails throughout the resort, with different levels of difficulty depending on your requirement. All of the equipment is provided in order to give you a fun filled adventure, but be warned, some of the trails have hidden tasks and all is not always what it seems to be…


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Fota Island Adventure
Fota Island Resort Tullagreen Cork T45HX62